Writer + Gamer = Storyteller
Who am I
Hay my name is Dolores and I am a writer and a gamer but I like to think of myself as a storyteller. I love creating stories from anything whether it be original content through my journey to becoming a traditionally published author with my novel I am currently writing, or games that I am playing like Sims, Minecraft, Pokemon, and others. I also like to combine these which you will be able to find here where I will be writing out my narrations of the stories I will be playing. Sometimes it will be the backstory to the gameplay and for others, it might just be details of what happened in the character’s head during the gameplay that I might not have mentioned during recording.
I live in Southern Arizona with my husband as a local healthcare worker and a full time caregiver for my father. Hoping to one day make this a full-time gig and be able to write and play games with you and for you as much as I want. I write Science Fantasy, Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Romance (because I love a little romance in everything really). I also love drinking Dr. Pepper/Pepsi Zero Lover #notsponsered (wish), Tea Lover, Lover of Oreo Everything too whether it is food or drink. .🖖🏽💜